at least they get to wear bottoms

I know that is has been along time since I have posted but it has been crazy at the Moore house. Kami went in on the 27th of Feb to get tubes put in her ears. She was so good when the nurse came to get her she went to him and didn't even act like she even cared that they were taking her away from mom and dad. When she came back she didn't want anything to do with Nate she just wanted her mom. (I don't blame her at all. JK) She was fine after about 10 minutes of mom holding her. When the doctor came in he told us that she had a double ear infection when he put the tubes in. Yeah like we didn't already know that one! We went home and picked up Allie from my sisters house and let Kami sleep for a while.
Over the weekend we some how lost Kami's ear drops and when I called the doctor he told me that she was fine as long as there was nothing coming out of her ears. Well that would later come to haunt us, because by Tuesday she has a horrible ear infection they called in some ear drops and we gave those to her for over a week and the ear infection wouldn't go away so I called the doctor again and asked him to put her on an oral antibiotic and she if finally getting better. She is still fighting the runny nose that she has had for over a month now. But I am beginning to think that her allergy's are kicking in and that we are going to have to put her on medication for that. She had them ALL last summer but because she was so little they couldn't give her anything for them so she suffered threw that last year and I am not going to make her suffer this year.
We also celebrated out 6th anniversary this last weekend. I can't believe that it has been 6 years. I am a lucky girl to have Nate for a husband and the father of my children! I will try to post more often.